The Dorcas of Monto
Ten kilometres from the small central Queensland town of Monto, a sewing machine softly purrs. Several years ago we closed our church and gave the furniture, banners, etc. to Finke River Mission (FRM), and I suddenly had no ‘church’ sewing to do. I contacted Pastor Rob Borgas. ‘We don’t use banners out here,’ he said, ‘however we could do with some bags for pastors and evangelists to carry their gowns around, so they don’t get quite so dusty’.
Semi-retirement arrived and we headed for the Territory. ‘Would you like to knit some baptismal bears? I can give you the pattern,’ Pastor Rob asked, when hubby mentioned that I knit in the car. Further chat led to, ‘Could you make some more clerical gowns for the pastors? We’ve run out of the last lot you made and they’re expensive to buy.’ So, a pattern was cut on the manse’s kitchen table.
I rescue dolls in Op shops, and numerous Barbies find new homes in the Centre. Small crochet crosses for gifts were welcomed. It gets cold out there, knitting is welcome.
So, no matter where you live, you can serve God in many ways, just by using the talents he has given you. It brings Doug and I great joy to know that we have contributed to God’s work by making gowns for many Aboriginal pastors.
Like Dorcas of Joppa in Acts 9, Desley Kuhn has been a wonderful blessing to the FRM just by doing what she does best. If you think you can help the FRM in any way with your talents, please contact us on 08 8952 4666.