Easter balloons at Yirara
With the beautiful clear blue sky as a background, forty white balloons rose into the air over Yirara College. It was the end of the final Sunday worship service for term one.
Together the staff and students loudly announced, ‘Jesus has risen’, then released the balloons.
After a week of hearing the stories and messages about Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, this Sunday was a celebration of the joyous resurrection. Pastor Simon Dixon led the service and in his message, highlighted the ‘empty cross and the empty tomb’. He told the story of how the witchetty grubs are trapped in the wood of the witchetty grub bush (unless someone digs up the root and eats them!). But usually not forever, because the grubs turn into a large moth which escapes and flies out and up into the air. It is free!
Students and staff gathered outside the chapel holding the forty white helium-filled balloons each with a purple heart attached carrying two messages; John 3:16 on one side, and the students own colourful Easter message, ‘Christ has Risen’ or ‘Jesus is Alive’ on the other. Together the staff and students loudly announced, ‘Jesus has risen’, then released the balloons. All watched as they quickly rose, eventually rising out of sight carrying the Easter message, ‘We are free from our sins!’… ‘towards Haasts Bluff’, someone said!