Ikuntji Easter celebration
A celebration Easter camp was held at the memorial site near Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff).
Western Desert families young and old began arriving at the site on the Wednesday prior to Easter to reflect on the Easter story through the study of God’s word, worship and song, fellowship and fun. They came from Kintore, Mt Liebig, Papunya and Haasts Bluff.
Each day began with devotion. Afternoon sessions were organised focussing on the teaching of the Easter story to the children. Services were held on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in the outdoor setting surrounded by the rugged mountain ranges contrasted against the beautiful blue central Australian sky. Pastors Simon Dixon, Roderick Kantamara and Trevor Raggett officiated at the services. A community barbeque and sing-alongs were enjoyed by all in attendance.
The Easter Sunday service was a significant time of celebration incorporating several baptisms and the confirmation of twelve young people after a time of biblical study with Pastor Simon Dixon. The Easter celebration week concluded with an afternoon of games and activities for both children and adults.
The memorial site is in memory of the early mission pioneers. The plaque at the site states the following:
In memory of the early mission pioneers.
August Landara, Epaphras Entamintama and Robert Paljingka who made the first mission reconnaissance trip some 200 miles west and north-west of Hermannsburg 2.7.23 – 22.8.23.
Pastor F W Albrecht MBE, Titus Rengkaraka and Martin, who travelled the same area and camped here in October 1930.
And the men who later spent years as evangelists among the western desert people.
Titus Rengkaraka
Epaphras Entamintama
Julius Njintanaka
Alexander Mamaluka
John 1:29