Our suffering saviour
Bent metal rods, sharp-pointed nails and creative young hands have combined at Yirara College to enhance the Easter celebration of the school community.
Mr Mark Bensted and fourteen students studying Design and Technology for their term one experience subject, combined to create a sculpture of Jesus carrying his cross to Golgotha.
Students measured the lengths of arms, legs, torso and heads and from their whiteboard design then cut metal rods to be progressively welded together. Nails were welded to make a crown of thorns. A rough wooden cross was crafted to fit neatly over Jesus’ stooped body with a red cloth hanging over his shoulder.
During the final Sunday Yirara Church worship service, the sculpture was the focus of meditation on Jesus’ place as ‘our suffering saviour’.
During the singing of Jesus Dying on the Cross, a group of Year 7 students nailed ‘sins’ to the cross. These were in the form of thin wooden chips onto which students had burnt ‘sins’ with hot wires. The sound of hammering during worship brought home the reality of Jesus’ suffering.
Of course, the surprise and real excitement of Easter was the dropping of a huge Easter egg to reveal a very empty inside! Praise and thanks to Jesus, ‘our suffering saviour’, who triumphed victoriously over sin, death and the devil.
Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!