Young and old come together
Living Waters Lutheran School and the Old Timer’s Home in Alice Springs have made a connection, with Foundation classes visiting the residents at Flynn Lodge on a fortnightly basis. Their first visit was on 10 May 2023, when they enjoyed colouring in and singing a song for the residents. Throughout 2023, the students and residents have made their connection stronger while painting, crafting, singing and sharing morning tea.
The Old Timer’s residents have also visited the Foundation students at school. They came for the 2023 NAIDOC Day celebrations at the end of Term 2 and then helped the class celebrate 100 days of being at big school in Term 3, with the students dressing up as 100-year-olds and playing games (including a very slow game of 100-year-old musical chairs). Living Waters were also looking forward to having the residents attend their end-of-year celebrations.
These interactions are very rewarding for both the students and residents alike, building social skills for the students and bringing joy to the residents. Living Waters will continue to support the connection, with the students continuing visits in 2024 as Year 1s.
(Edited from a piece published in the Alice Springs paper, The Centralian Today, 30 November 2023)
Ben Pfeiffer is the pastor of Alice Springs Lutheran Church.