‘God has always looked after us’
I was born out in the bush on 16 October 1947, so now I am 75 years old. When I was young I never thought I would become a pastor. I was a stockman, riding horses, doing cattle work.
Christ in the ‘Top End’
Nungalinya College, situated in Darwin, is the premier ecumenical Bible and community development training facility for Indigenous students in Australia.
God at work at Anmatyerr
Since starting work part-time with Finke River Mission last November, it has been challenging to establish any kind of routine. COVID restrictions and family commitments have created interruptions to my ministry in the Anmatyerr area, where there are about a thousand speakers of the language.
Yirara College Baptism and Communion Day
Yirara College Baptism and Communion Day 2002 was celebrated on Sunday 6 November. Sixteen students were baptised in the Yirara College chapel, and 28 celebrated their first communion.
Two churches opened in one day
The small outstation Irrultja is on Utopia freehold country. Its sister community Atnwengerrp, just a few kilometres northwest, is part of the former stock route on Sandover River.
Bush courses
The last of the three pastors bush courses this year was held at the end of September at Harts Range, about 215 kilometres northeast of Alice Springs.
Bush church opens at Ingkwelay
Three years ago, a new bush church was dedicated at the small community of Engawala, 150 kilometres northeast of Alice Springs. Now, on 29 May, another bush church was opened, at a family outstation on Utopia freehold lease Ngkwelay (Ingkwelay), also known as Kurrajong Bore.
Big country, big mission
In May, I travelled to Central Australia as part of a group of volunteer board members that support the work of Finke River Mission.
Retired from work, not from life
My husband Duncan and I first visited the Red Centre a few years ago. Unknowingly, that’s when our current work at Hermannsburg as retirees began.
Pillar of church and community: remembering Lindsay Corby
Lindsay Tjapaltjarri Corby was born on 1 May 1954 at Haasts Bluff and ordained as a Lutheran pastor on 22 June 2008. He passed away on 4 February 2022 at Kintore.