Synod offering supports hymnbooks
The offering from this year’s LCANZ Convention of General Synod in-person meetings is contributing more than $30,000 towards an FRM project producing, revising or reprinting Lutheran song and hymnbooks in Central Australian Aboriginal languages.
Retired from work, not from life
My husband Duncan and I first visited the Red Centre a few years ago. Unknowingly, that’s when our current work at Hermannsburg as retirees began.
Second-hand vehicle donated to help the work of FRM
After Pastor Mathew Ker from the Warrnambool Lutheran Parish sent out an SOS for second-hand vehicles for FRM, one of their members responded by offering to give away and deliver his 4WD to FRM.
Supporter profile: Marty and Betty
Betty grew up on a farm at South Kilkerran on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula. As a child she mixed with Aboriginal shearers and their kids from Point Pearce Aboriginal Community.
Tatachilla and Ampilatwatja deepen relationship
Tatachilla Lutheran College has been involved in many practical tasks at Finke River Mission, mainly at Ampilatwatja. This year’s focus was ‘enhancing relationships’, as well as basic maintenance.
The Dorcas of Monto
Ten kilometres from the small central Queensland town of Monto, a sewing machine softly purrs. Desley Kuhn blesses the people of the Centre by sewing and knitting.
Volunteer profile – Wilbur and Monika Klein
Wilbur and Monika Klein normally live and work at Tjuntjuntjara, 660km east of Kalgoorlie WA. They decided to use their long service leave volunteering with FRM for the first six months of 2015.
Volunteer profile – Jenny Schubert
I first became a volunteer at Hermannsburg in 2013, not long after I became a widow. My husband’s parting advice was the catalyst that brought me here.
Volunteer profile – Andre and Eloise Thompson
Andre and Eloise have been working at the Hermannsburg Historical Precinct for the past month helping run the tea rooms and doing general maintenance.
Desert Rules reno!
Each year, people from all over Australia give their time, money and labour to help local congregations to maintain the structures they feel they need to help proclaim the gospel in their local area.