Book launch – ‘The Tale of Frieda Keysser’
On Sunday 12 February the book, ‘The Tale of Frieda Keysser’ by John Strehlow, was launched by Ms Alison Anderson, Member of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly.
Read moreBaptism bears in demand
There has been a fantastic response to the ‘Baptism Bears’ article which appeared in the last edition of ‘Christ in the Centre’.
Read moreSummer in Bethlehem
Sponsored by the Protestant Church of Hesse and Nassau in Germany and at the invitation of the FRM, I was able to serve at Hermannsburg, working for the Bethlehem Lutheran Congregation.
Read moreGrandma’s witness
I drove the Troopie around to the dormitory to collect three girls who had asked about visiting an elderly relative in the Old Timers’ Retirement Village.
Read moreHands across Australia
Yirara College and Living Waters Lutheran School, both based in Alice Springs, were recently announced as the winners of the GenerationOne Hands Across Australia song competition.
Read moreYirara calendars
A group of Yirara Year 9 and 10 students recently developed a small business as part of their study. They produced and sold calendars and greeting cards that showcased student artwork.
Read moreThe message of the cross
The Stirling (Wilora) community, 280kms north of Alice Springs in Anmatjere land, is a growing testament to the FRM Vision statement.
Read moreMutitjulu woman installed as layworker
Recently, in the shadow of Uluru, Lutherans from the Mutitjulu community gathered in the Good Shepherd church for the installation of Rita Okai as a lay worker.
Read moreNapperby church art – ‘Sharing the gospel’
Pastor Ronnie McNamara and CDEP Women’s supervisor, Kath, are excited about the artwork that has been created by Napperby community residents for the renovated Church building.
Read moreMt Liebig mini-course
The spectacular Mt Liebig, 300kms west of Alice Springs, was a very suitable backdrop for the recent well-attended mini-course on Leviticus in the western desert area of the Centre.
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